Become a patient partner and make a difference
NHS Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance would like your help as an expert-by-experience or someone with lived experience, to help us understand what matters to patients and how we can achieve the best care for them, in a way that is right for them.
We want to hear from you, whether you are a patient, carer, family member or friend.
We are unable to make changes if we don’t know what needs to be changed. There is no wrong or right type of person, the wider the range of patient partners the better.
We value the views of the whole community, from all ages and backgrounds.
There are several ways you can get involved:
This involves being sent information or patient leaflets and asking for your thoughts on the wording, images, design.
We would like your help in telling us if there is any information missing or if it has been put in a way that is understandable to patients and their families.
It also includes completing surveys we will send you for your feedback.
In addition to the virtual member, you can join our Working Together Group's online meetings using MS Teams.
You will have the opportunity to discuss with fellow group members the topics on the agenda and help health and care colleagues understand what matters to you as a patient or carer.
These meetings come in two forms:
- a patient partners group, which meets monthly, to share feedback on specific topics
- the full Working Together Group, which meets every three months, where professionals and patient partners come together.
These are small groups (about six to 10 people usually but can be more) that focus on a specific topic or subject.
For example, this could be the development of communications materials, such as we have already held to support the development of our #BeSkinSmart and Let's Talk About Ovarian Cancer campaigns.