Each year 7,100 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in England, around 250 of those women are in Kent and Medway.
Data from 2022 shows more than half (60 per cent) of cases were diagnosed at a late stage.
Let’s talk about ovarian cancer campaign
Our 'Let's talk about ovarian cancer' campaign is part of our work to increase earlier diagnosis and treat cancer sooner.
It aims to encourage women to know the symptoms of ovarian cancer, improve confidence in self-advocacy and to contact their GP practice if they are concerned.
Posters, postcards and symptom diaries
Following focus groups with women in Kent and Medway, our earlier diagnosis team developed digital and printed resources to raise awareness about the signs of ovarian cancer and encourage conversations. These include:
- social media graphics
- posters
- postcards
- a wallet-sized foldout card that includes a three- week symptom diary for people to use to make a record of their symptoms, alongside advice for getting symptoms checked.
Would you like to know more?
You can read more about the campaign on our Let’s talk about ovarian cancer page on our public involvement hub.
For more information on ovarian cancer, visit www.nhs.uk
For support with ovarian cancer, visit Target Ovarian Cancer