Developing a skilled, agile, multidisciplinary workforce
NHS Kent and Medway Cancer Alliance aims to support the development of a skilled, agile, multidisciplinary cancer workforce, able to support improved outcomes for people diagnosed with cancer.
Personalised care and support (PCS) for cancer patients is a core programme of work for the alliance and a priority area for the workforce and education team.
Our cancer workforce needs the confidence, knowledge and skills to deliver PCS throughout the whole of the patient pathway, in line with national long term plan ambitions.
This section on our website contains information about some of the specific roles in cancer care.
Championing new ways of working
We champion new ways of working to support cancer processes and pathways, as well as supporting those living with cancer in our area.
We work with NHS England to provide support in a variety of ways, such as:
- pump-prime funding for new posts
- piloting new roles and innovative ways of working
- commissioning education and training programmes
- facilitating clinical nurse specialist (CNS) educational events
- delivering communities of practice for cancer support workers (CSWs) and metastatic CNSs
- working with CNS and CSW groups to improve holistic needs assessment quality and performance
- working with tumour-specific clinical teams to improve quality and performance for personalised stratified follow-up
- supporting implementation of the ACCEND programme.